Saturday, April 24, 2010

my dream home

Many people have a dream. Dream about future dream about your part, your dream home and else. People dream of much, only not always theirs dream come true.
My dreams home is I would like to live in a simple bungalow, with furniture and straw venation blind instead of curtain and sometime it seems that in one room with bleaches wall, a bed, case and shelves for books.
Besides that, I like to live in the house. Without neighbours with stop and ground floor that my house stood lonely, somewhere of city of village on the other hand, my house of dream is log house with verandas and penthouse .In this there should be a garage located in a basement, outdoor building near a house, a front garden a place under a big garden the water pipe, agas, main and sewages.
In my dream home there should be not less than eight rooms can example a vestibule, a drawing room, dining room, a study room, fire room on each member of my, fire room on each member of my family and also kitchen and two bathrooms.
Lastly, I hope my dream home is become true and so, that it does can make me happy and cheerful. In my life i want big house and very expensive to own my life.

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